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Note that I am doing away with Google Adsense. Some of my websites have 50,000 visits in a single day, and Google pays me 2 cents US for that day. So it is more a bother than any kind of help with our hosting expenses (more than a thousand dollars a year for all my websites) So please donate to help support this website.
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Getting People Really Saved. The one true objective that takes priority over all other objectives is the gospel. If our people are not saved, nothing else will matter as much. This article in churchplantingworkshop.com investigates the question of not explaining clearly the plan of salvation and those who are witnessed to not understanding the plan of salvation.
Topics: Overview | Jesus Taught us of the Existence of "Tares" | Evangelism is very important, but also INSIDE THE CHURCH | Essentials in Fruit Production. (1) Bible reading/studying. (2) A Biblical sound local church. (3) Solid Expositional Teaching. (4) Exposure to real prayer power. | Harmful Elements: (1) False teaching. (2) Sinful conduct by supposedly good Christians. (3) Sins and crises that distract and disable a person's Christian life.
Read the tract: Getting People Really Saved.Upcoming Posts
- Torrey, R.A. – Person and Work of The Holy Spirit Sun 1/26/25
- Torrey, R.A.- Holding Him to the Scriptures Sun 2/2/25
- Torrey Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian faith Sun 2/9/25
- Torrey Real Salvation Sun 2/16/25
- Torrey Difficulties in the Bible Sun 2/23/25
- Torrey Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Sun 3/2/25
- Torrey New Topical Textbook Sun 3/9/25
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2024 12Dec.
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DCox Is unlimited Immigration a Human Right? NO! From a religious perspective, we analyze the open door policies and illegal immigration.
Topics: Illegal Immigration is Not Obeying the Countries Laws | Rom 13:1-14 | A Country should Protect its Treasures from those who come to plunder | Should the United States give work permits to all the illegals? No. | Don't Illegal Aliens have a right to vote, representation, and a right to work? | Conclusion.
DCox Is unlimited Immigration a Human Right? NO!.-
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Donate to David Cox Ministries.Free Books
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Good Books and Tracts
pc68 Confidence or Worry Dealing with Stress We examine a situation of stress and problems in life, and how Satan uses them against us and God, and how God uses problems for our good.
Topics: There is no Fear in Love | Lack of desire to continue on | The Persecution for being a Christian | Worry about the Sickness | Don't worry about money | Matrimonial Stress.
Read the Tract: pc68 Confidence or Worry Dealing with Stress
Tract is also in a downloadable, printable PDF, 2 sides of 1 sheet for printing on your printer and giving away to people in need.
Hodge, A. A. The Westminster Confession: A Commentary
Table of Contents
A Short History of the Creeds and Confessions
Some Account of the Origin of the Westminster Confession and Catechisms
Chapter 1: Of the Holy Scripture
Chapter 2: Of God and the Holy Trinity
Chapter 3: Of God’s Eternal Decree
Chapter 4: Of Creation
Chapter 5: of Providence
Chapter 6: Of The Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof
Chapter 7: Of God’s Covenant With Man
Chapter 8: Of Christ the Mediator
Chapter 9: Of Free Will
Chapter 10: Of Effectual Calling
Chapter 11: Of Justification
Chapter 12: Of Adoption
Chapter 13: Of Sanctification
Chapter 14: Of Saving Faith
Chapter 15: Of Repentance Unto Life
Chapter 16: Of Good Works
Chapter 17: Of Perseverance of the Saints
Chapter 18: Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation
Chapter 19: Of the Law of God
Chapter 20: Of Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience
Chapter 21: Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
Chapter 22: Of Lawful Oaths and Vows
Chapter 23: Of the Civil Magistrate
Chapter 24: Of Marriage and Divorce
Chapter 25: Of the Church
Chapter 26: Of the Communion of the Saints
Chapter 27: of the Sacraments
Chapter 28: Of Baptism
Chapter 29: Of the Lord’s Supper
Chapter 30: Of Church Censures
Chapter 31: Of Synods and Councils
Chapter 32: Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead
Chapter 33: Of the Last Judgment
Appendix 1: The Meaning of ‘System of Doctrine’: Old School vs. New School
Appendix 2: The Auburn Declaration and The Declaratory Act
Appendix 3: What is Presbyterianism? by Charles Hodge
Appendix 4: What is Meant by Adopting the Westminster Confession?
Appendix 5: On the Passages of the Confession Concerning the Magistrate’s Power as to Religion and the Church