Berkhof Summary of Christian Doctrine

Table of Contents of Berkhof Summary of Christian Doctrine

Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1 – Religion
Chapter 2 – Revelation
Chapter 3 – Scripture

Part II: The Doctrine of God and Creation
Chapter 4 – The Essential Nature of God
Chapter 5 – The Names God
Chapter 6 – The Attributes of God
Chapter 7 – The Trinity
Chapter 8 – The Divine Decrees
Chapter 9 – Creation
Chapter 10 – Providence

Part III: The Doctrine of Man in Relation to God
Chapter 11 – Man in His Original State
Chapter 12 – Man in the State of Sin
Chapter 13 – Man in the Covenant of Grace

Part IV: The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ
Chapter 14 – The Names and Nature of Christ
Chapter 15 – The States of Christ
Chapter 16 – The Offices of Christ
Chapter 17 – The Atonement Through Christ

Part V: The Application of the Work of Redemption
Chapter 18 – The Common Operation of the Holy Spirit: Common Grace
Chapter 19 – Calling and Regeneration
Chapter 20 – Conversion: Repentance and Faith
Chapter 21 – Justification
Chapter 22 – Sanctification and Perseverance

Part VI: The Doctrine of the Church and the Means of Grace.
Chapter 23 – Nature Of The Church.
Chapter 24 – The Government And Power Of The Church.
Chapter 25 – The Word Of God And The Sacraments In General
Chapter 26 – Christian Baptism
Chapter 27 – The Lord’s Supper

Part VII: The Doctrine Of The Last Things.
Chapter 28 – Physical Death And The Intermediate State.
Chapter 29 – The Second Coming Of Christ
Chapter 30 – The Resurrection, The Last Judgment And The Final State

Berkhof Summary of Christian Doctrine

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