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Getting People Really Saved. The one true objective that takes priority over all other objectives is the gospel. If our people are not saved, nothing else will matter as much. This article in churchplantingworkshop.com investigates the question of not explaining clearly the plan of salvation and those who are witnessed to not understanding the plan of salvation.
Topics: Overview | Jesus Taught us of the Existence of "Tares" | Evangelism is very important, but also INSIDE THE CHURCH | Essentials in Fruit Production. (1) Bible reading/studying. (2) A Biblical sound local church. (3) Solid Expositional Teaching. (4) Exposure to real prayer power. | Harmful Elements: (1) False teaching. (2) Sinful conduct by supposedly good Christians. (3) Sins and crises that distract and disable a person's Christian life.
Read the tract: Getting People Really Saved.Upcoming Posts
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Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants, explains that this idea of Mayor Johnson (Mayor of Chicago) is pushing the ruin of our country.
Topics: What Open Borders has caused | Why does a person have the right to vote? | Mayor Johnson wants to pad the Ballot Box with Democrat Votes
Read the Article: Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants.-
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I am Pastor David Cox, the Webmaster of this site. I am an independent Baptist Missionary pastor working in Mexico City since 1984. Many churches reject a fundamentalist because we do not accept the many false doctrines that modern churches have in common. We believe the Bible, and we preach and teach it. I have written over 400+ tracts and more than 60+ books which are just an extension of my pulpit ministry. All are free. Please help us keep this good material on the Internet for the world.
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Note: I am a local church missionary, and you can find my home church here (davidcoxmex.com) where you can write a check to our ministry and receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year.Free Books
Dagg Doctrine of God is a 14 chapter work on the Person of God, His existence, His Attributes, which are Unity, Spirituality, Omnipresence, eternity, immutability, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Goodness, Truth, Justice, Holiness, Wisdom.
PDF: Dagg Doctrine of God
theWord: Dagg Doctrine of God
MySword: Dagg Doctrine of God
eSword: Dagg Doctrine of God
Good Books and Tracts
ch34 Brethren, we must not fight! explains why Christians should not be contentious, especially between brethren.
Topics: Because it is important? | Irritating one another | Biting and wasting away | The Relationship Between One Another | Upholding one another and putting up with one another | Forgiving one another | Exhorting and teaching you | Cheer up and build yourselves.
Except from the Tract: The Bible speaks of a Christian as a person who has a different personality. This person who is saved is someone who seeks to impose brotherly love in his life, in that he loves his brethren. This is a change from the carnal life he was in before he was saved, “living in malice and envy, loathsome, and hating one another.” (Titus 3:3)... Perhaps it is not very obvious why brethren should not fight, but God hates brethren when they are fighting. First, we have to understand that God in his essence is love. Aggression, friction, strife, and fighting are things that God opposes.
ch34 Brethren, we must not fight!.