This is a separate volume from Berkhof’s systematic but serves as a prolegomena for it. In it he defines the concept of dogmatic theology, theology, apologetics, ethics, and science. He also explains the Reformed doctrine of revelation and inspiration.
The Idea and History of Dogmatic Theology
I. Names Applied to the Systematic Presentation of Theology
II. The Nature of Dogmas
III. The Idea of Dogmatic Theology
IV. The Task, Method, and Distribution of Dogmatics
V. History of Dogmatics
The Principia of Dogmatics
I. Principia in General
II. Religion
III. The Principium Cognoscendi Externum (Revelation)
IV. The Inspiration of Scripture
V. The Principium Cognoscendi Internum
Gill John Song of Solomon
Gill John Song of Solomon
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