Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars)

Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica



1. Of the Fitness of the Incarnation 2. Of the Mode of Union of the Word Incarnate 3. Of the Mode of Union on the Part of the Person Assuming 4. Of the Mode of Union on the Part of the Human Nature 5. Of the Parts of Human Nature Which Were Assumed 6. Of the Order of Assumption 7. Of the Grace of Christ as an Individual Man 8. Of the Grace of Christ as He Is the Head of the Church 9. Of Christ’s Knowledge in General 10. Of the Beatific Knowledge of Christ’s Soul 11. Of the Knowledge Imprinted or Infused on the Soul of Christ 12. Of the Acquired or Empiric Knowledge of Christ’s Soul 13. Of the Power of Christ’s Soul 14. Of the Defects of Body Assumed by the Son of God 15. Of the Defects of Soul Assumed by Christ 16. Of Those Things Which Are Applicable to Christ in His Being and Becoming 17. Of Christ’s Unity of Being 18. Of Christ’s Unity of Will 19. Of the Unity of Christ’s Operation 20. Of Christ’s Subjection to the Father 21. Of Christ’s Prayer 22. Of the Priesthood of Christ 23. Of Adoption as Befitting to Christ 24. Of the Predestination of Christ 25. Of the Adoration of Christ 26. Of Christ as Called the Mediator of God and Man — Editorial Note: St. Thomas and the Immaculate Conception 27. Of the Sanctification of the Blessed Virgin 28. Of the Virginity of the Mother of God 29. Of the Espousals of the Mother of God 30. Of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin 31. Of the Matter From Which the Saviour’s Body Was Conceived 32. Of the Active Principle in Christ’s Conception 33. Of the Mode and Order of Christ’s Conception 34. Of the Perfection of the Child Conceived 35. Of Christ’s Nativity 36. Of the Manifestation of the Newly Born Christ 37. Of Christ’s Circumcision, and of the Other Legal Observances Accomplished in Regard to the Child Christ 38. Of the Baptism of John 39. Of the Baptizing of Christ 40. Of Christ’s Manner of Life 41. Of Christ’s Temptation 42. Of Christ’s Doctrine 43. Of the Miracles Worked by Christ, in General 44. Of Christ’s Miracles Considered Specifically 45. Of Christ’s Transfiguration 46. The Passion of Christ 47. Of the Efficient Cause of Christ’s Passion 48. Of the Efficiency of Christ’s Passion 49. Of the Effects of Christ’s Passion 50. Of the Death of Christ 51. Of Christ’s Burial 52. Of Christ’s Descent into Hell 53. Of Christ’s Resurrection 54. Of the Quality of Christ Rising Again 55. Of the Manifestation of the Resurrection 56. Of the Causality of Christ’s Resurrection 57. Of the Ascension of Christ 58. Of Christ’s Sitting at the Right Hand of the Father 59. Of Christ’s Judiciary Power 60. What Is a Sacrament? 61. Of the Necessity of the Sacraments 62. Of the Sacraments’ Principal Effect, Which Is Grace 63. Of the Other Effect of the Sacraments, Which Is a Character 64. Of the Causes of the Sacraments 65. Of the Number of the Sacraments 66. Of the Sacrament of Baptism 67. Of the Ministers by Whom the Sacrament of Baptism Is Conferred 68. Of Those Who Receive Baptism 69. Of the Effects of Baptism 70. Of Circumcision 71. Of the Preparations That Accompany Baptism 72. Of the Sacrament of Confirmation 73. Of the Sacrament of the Eucharist 74. Of the Matter of This Sacrament 75. Of the Change of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ 76. Of the Way in Which Christ Is in This Sacrament 77. Of the Accidents Which Remain in This Sacrament 78. Of the Form of This Sacrament 79. Of the Effects of This Sacrament 80. Of the Use or Receiving of This Sacrament in General 81. Of the Use Which Christ Made of This Sacrament at Its Institution 82. Of the Minister of This Sacrament 83. Of the Rite of This Sacrament 84. Of the Sacrament of Penance 85. Of Penance as a Virtue 86. Of the Effect of Penance, As Regards the Pardon of Mortal Sin 87. Of the Remission of Venial Sin 88. Of the Return of Sins Which Have Been Taken Away by Penance 89. Of the Recovery of Virtue by Means of Penance 90. Of the Parts of Penance, in General

Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica

Aquinas-Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars)
Aquinas-Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars)
3.8 MiB
Aquinas-Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars)
Aquinas-Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars)
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