Elijah and the secret of his power
By F.B. Meyer
Elijah and the secret of his power is a character study on this Old Testament prophet by Baptist preacher F.B. Meyer. He investigates Elijah.
By F.B. Meyer
Elijah and the secret of his power is a character study on this Old Testament prophet by Baptist preacher F.B. Meyer. He investigates Elijah.
The Arm of the Lord
by T. Austin-Sparks
First published in “A Witness and A Testimony” magazines, 1958-1959.
Vols. 36-2 through 37-4
This holiness work on the Arm of the Lord explains how the force of God (his arm) works in different ways and through different means.
Denney Atonement and the Modern Mind is an examination by James Denney on how people (unsaved) see the Atonement of Christ
By Horatius Bonar
In God’s Way of Peace Bonar explores the peacemaking between God and sinful man, focusing on how God has taken the steps to restore peace with man.
“How dreadfully old I am getting! Sixteen!” So begins ‘Stepping Heavenward’ by Elizabeth Prentiss, the journal-like account of a nineteenth century girl who learns, on the path to womanhood, that true happiness can be found in giving oneself for others. “”This book is a treasure of both Godly and womanly wisdom told with disarming candor and humility, yet revealing a deep heart’s desire to know God,”” says noted Christian speaker Elisabeth Elliot. “”I do not hesitate to recommend it to men, who need to understand the wives they live with, and to any woman who wants to walk with God.”” quote from Amazon
Excerpt from Preface
Even to-day this book has its peculiar mission to the Church. The seeking after self-elected works, the indolence regarding the works commanded of God, the foolish opinion, that the path of works leads to God’s grace and good-will, are even to-day widely prevalent within the kingdom of God. To all this Luther’s treatise answers: Be diligent in the works of your earthly calling as commanded of God, but only after having first strengthened, by the consideration of God’s mercy, the faith within you, which is the only source of all truly good works and well-pleasing to God. Continue reading
Maclaren, Alexander-Expositor’s Bible: Epistles Colossians and Philemon
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