Drummond Henry Eternal Life
“This is Life Eternal—that they might know Thee, the True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.”—Jesus Christ.
“This is Life Eternal—that they might know Thee, the True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.”—Jesus Christ.
Calvin John On Prayer
Calvin on Prayer is from Book Three of the Christian classic, Institutes of the Christian Religion. It is both a good introduction to Calvin’s masterpiece and excellent teaching for the Christian’s vital life of prayer.
Ames The Substance of Christian Religion – 1659
To the Reader
Some years have now passed since it pleased divine providence to put a period to the life of Dr. William Ames, in whose death very many interested themselves, as no indifferent mourners. Not only those who either, under the notion of scholars or friends, had become his familiars — but universally, all those who had been sensible of enjoying the fruits of his labours, and who were fervent lovers of sound literature, purity of heavenly doctrine, and godliness in sincerity of heart: knowing indeed that in Ames, the garden of learning had lost one of its choicest flowers, the fortress of truth one of its stoutest defenders, piety its most faithful favourite, the school a most able and reverent doctor, and studious youth their most diligent instructor.