Contents of Torrey Difficulties in the Bible
1. A General Statement of the Case
2. Classes of Difficulties
3. How Shall We Deal with the Difficulties of the Bible?
4. Genesis One-Historical and Scientific?
5. The Antiquity of Man According to the Bible and According to Science
6. Where Did Cain Get His Wife?
7. Jehovah’s Command to Abraham to Offer Up Isaac as a Burnt Offering
8. God Hardening Pharaoh’s Heart
9. The Slaughter of the Canaanites by God’s Command
10. Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still
11. Deborah’s Praise of Jael, the “Murderess”
12. The Sacrifice of Jephtha’s Daughter
13. “Impure” Bible Stories
14. David’s Sin
15. The Imprecatory Psalms
16. Does the God of Truth and Love Send Lying Spirits and Evil Spirits to Men?
17. Jonah and the Whale
18. Some Important “Contradictions” in the Bible
19. “Mistakes” in the Bible
20. The Two Genealogies of Jesus, the Christ
21. Was Jesus Really Three Days and Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth?
22. How Could Jesus Commend the Action of the Unrighteous Steward?
23. Were Jesus and Paul Mistaken as to the Time of Our Lord’s Return?
24. Did Jesus Go into the Abode of the Dead and Preach to the Spirits in Prison? Is There Another Probation After Death?
Torrey - Bible Difficulties (b).pdf (896 downloads )Torrey Difficulties in the Bible
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