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I am Pastor David Cox, the Webmaster of this site. I am an independent Baptist Missionary pastor working in Mexico City since 1984. Many churches reject a fundamentalist because we do not accept the many false doctrines that modern churches have in common. We believe the Bible, and we preach and teach it. I have written over 400+ tracts and more than 60+ books which are just an extension of my pulpit ministry. All are free. Please help us keep this good material on the Internet for the world.
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2024 12Dec.
More Good Posts
Anthology on the Antichrist by Pastor David Cox
I have compiled about 60+ different resources from the Internet on different aspects of antichrists, and the end times Antichrist. One of the topics or chapters is my own thoughts about this. The resource is available on twmodules.com (look on this page for "Cox cox-anthology-on-the-antichrist-v2.gbk 09/06/2024"), and my observations can be read at theologicalsystems.com online web page and pdf download available here.-
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David Cox Internet Ministries
David Cox Internet Ministries This post is an update on how our Internet Ministries are moving along, or our reach to the world. It contains some statics for the last 30 days before September 14th, 2023. If you are interested in knowing about our outreach via our Internet websites, please visit this page.
Read the articleFree Books
Anthology on the Antichrist by Pastor David Cox
I have compiled about 60+ different resources from the Internet on different aspects of antichrists, and the end times Antichrist. One of the topics or chapters is my own thoughts about this. The resource is available on twmodules.com (look on this page for "Cox cox-anthology-on-the-antichrist-v2.gbk 09/06/2024"), and my observations can be read at theologicalsystems.com online web page and pdf download available here.
Good Books and Tracts
pc09 Homosexuality is an abomination In this tract examines the Bible view that homosexuality is an abomination. We examine what the Bible really teaches about homosexuality and lesbianism.
Topics: What is a Sodomite? | Is homosexuality a sin and an abomination? Yes. | The Pornography | The Homosexual Character | God's solution.
Excerpt from the Tract: The concept came to have the idea of a person rejected from society because of their perverse and vile habits, and these habits were involved with their worship of sex. Keil and Delitzsch add the idea that they are a type of person who refuses to remember their sins before God, being arrogant, proud, and rebellious, and therefore bring God's wrath upon them.
Read this Tract: pc09 Homosexuality is an abomination.
Maclaren Expositor’s Bible Psalms1, Vol. 1 Maclaren
Maclaren Expositor’s Bible Psalms 1
Crown 8vo, cloth, price 7s. 6d. each vol.
First Series.
By the Rev. A. Maclaren, D.D., D.Lit.
St. Mark.
By the Right Rev. the Bishop of Derry.
By Prof. Marcus Dods, D.D.
1 Samuel.
By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D.D.
2 Samuel.
By the same Author.
By Principal T. C. Edwards, D.D.
Second Series.
By Prof. G. G. Findlay, B.A., D.D.
The Pastoral Epistles.
By the Rev. A. Plummer, D.D.
Isaiah i.—xxxix.
By Prin. G. A. Smith, D.D. Vol. I.
The Book of Revelation.
By Prof. W. Milligan, D.D.
1 Corinthians.
By Prof. Marcus Dods, D.D.
The Epistles of St. John.
By the Most Rev. the Archbishop of Armagh.
Third Series.
Judges and Ruth.
By the Rev. R. A. Watson, M.A., D.D.
By the Rev. C. J. Ball, M.A.
Isaiah xl.—lxvi.
By Prin. G. A. Smith, D.D. Vol. II.
St. Matthew.
By the Rev. J. Monro Gibson, D.D.
By the Right Rev. the Bishop of Derry.
St. Luke.
By the Rev. H. Burton, M.A.
Fourth Series.
By the Rev. Samuel Cox, D.D.
St. James and St. Jude.
By the Rev. A. Plummer, D.D.
By the Rev. R. F. Horton, D.D.
By the Rev. S. H. Kellogg, D.D.
The Gospel of St. John.
By Prof. M. Dods, D.D. Vol. I.
The Acts of the Apostles.
By Prof. Stokes, D.D. Vol. I.
Fifth Series.
The Psalms.
By the Rev. A. Maclaren, D.D. Vol. I.
1 and 2 Thessalonians.
By Prof. James Denney, D.D.
The Book of Job.
By the Rev. R. A. Watson, M.A., D.D.
By Prof. G. G. Findlay, B.A., D.D.
The Gospel of St. John.
By Prof. M. Dods, D.D. Vol. II.
The Acts of the Apostles.
By Prof. Stokes, D.D. Vol. II.
Sixth Series.
1 Kings.
By the Very Rev. F. W. Farrar, F.R.S.
By Principal Rainy, D.D.
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
By Prof. W. F. Adeney, M.A.
By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D.D.
The Psalms.
By the Rev. A. Maclaren, D.D. Vol. II.
The Epistles of St. Peter.
By Prof. Rawson Lumby, D.D.
Seventh Series.
2 Kings.
By the Very Rev. F. W. Farrar. F.R.S.
By the Right Rev. H. C. G. Moule, D.D.
The Books of Chronicles.
By Prof. W. H. Bennett, D.D., D.Lit.
2 Corinthians.
By Prof. James Denney, D.D.
By the Rev. R. A. Watson, M.A., D.D.
The Psalms.
By the Rev. A. Maclaren, D.D. Vol. III.
Eighth Series.
By the Very Rev. F. W. Farrar, F.R.S.
The Book of Jeremiah.
By Prof. W. H. Bennett, D.D., D.Lit.
By Prof. Andrew Harper, B.D.
The Song of Solomon and Lamentations.
By Prof. W. F. Adeney, M.A.
By Prof. John Skinner, M.A.
The Books of the Twelve Prophets.
By Prin. G. A. Smith, D.D. Two Vols.
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