Zanchius Jerome Absolute Predestination

Zanchius Jerome Absolute Predestination

Absolute Predestination: Observations on the Divine Attributes

ALTHOUGH the great and ever-blessed God is a being absolutely simple and infinitely remote from all shadow of composition, He is, nevertheless, in condescension to our weak and contracted faculties, represented in Scripture as possessed of divers Properties, or Attributes, which, though seemingly different from His Essence, are in reality essential to Him, and constitutive of His very Nature.

Of these attributes, those on which we shall now particularly descant (as being more immediately concerned in the ensuing subject) are the following ones:

His eternal wisdom and foreknowledge
The absolute freedom and liberty of His will
The perpetuity and unchangeableness both of Himself and His decrees
His omnipotence
His justice
His mercy

Without an explication of these, the doctrine of Predestination cannot be so well understood, and we shall, therefore, briefly consider them by way of preliminary to the main

Zanchius Jerome Absolute Predestination

Observations On The Divine Attributes - Jerome Zanchius (1)
Observations On The Divine Attributes - Jerome Zanchius (1)
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Observations On The Divine Attributes - Jerome Zanchius (1)
Observations On The Divine Attributes - Jerome Zanchius (1)
78.5 KiB
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