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Bounds - Praying Pulpit begets a Praying Pew is a single chapter work on prayer in the pulpit causing prayer in the pew.
Read: Bounds - Praying Pulpit begets a Praying Pew.Upcoming Posts
- Torrey – The Importance of Personal Soul Winning Sun 3/23/25
- Torrey – True Christian Union and Devils Counterfeit Sun 3/30/25
- RA Torrey The Power of the Blood of Christ Sun 4/6/25
- RA Torrey The Most Important Question Sun 4/13/25
- RA Torrey The Day of Golden Opportunity Sun 4/20/25
- Torrey – Is The Bible Without Error Sun 4/27/25
- Adams, Thomas The Temple Sun 5/4/25
Site Archives
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2024 12Dec.
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pc68 Confidence or Worry Dealing with Stress We examine a situation of stress and problem in life, and how Satan uses them against us and God, and how God uses problems for our good.
TOPICS: There is no fear in love | Lack of energy, you want to move on | The persecution for being a Christian | The concern for the disease | Do not worry about money | Marital Stress, Family.
Read the Tract: pc68 Confidence or Worry Dealing with Stress.-
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Free Books
Strong Systematic Theology is a detailed and extensive Systematic Theology. It might be too complicated for the average Christian. Has a lot of reference notes to other works on various points of Bible doctrine.
This work is only in theWord format at the moment.
Download: Strong Systematic Theology (for theWord).
Author Archives: WL
Brine, John-The Certain Efficacy of The Death of Christ
This Work will consist of four Parts: In the First I shall endeavour to prove the limited Extent of the Death of CHRIST, and the certain Salvation of all those for whom he died. In the Second, the Objections which … Continue reading
Spurgeon Charles Sermons from Genesis
Spurgeon Charles Sermons from Genesis Continue reading
Watson, Thomas-Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments By Thomas Watson Exposition of the Ten Commandments by Thomas Watson.
Best The Born-Again Phenomenon (A Coverup for Heresy)
The Born-Again Phenomenon (A Coverup for Heresy) Jesus Christ told Nicodemus, “You must be born again,” but what did He mean? This verse-by-verse study of John 3:1-21 examines the three views of regeneration: baptismal regeneration, faith regeneration, and Spirit regeneration. … Continue reading
Spurgeon Bible and the Newspaper
“I READ the, newspaper,” said John Newton, “that I may see how my heavenly Father governs the world;” a very excellent reason indeed. Charles H. Spurgeon, The Bible and the Newspaper NEW! Convert the*.docx file to a personal book in … Continue reading
Tozer, A.W. – The Pursuit of God
This work is by pastor Tozer, who was an excellent preacher and expositor. This work is exceptionally devotional, and easy reading. Continue reading
Winslow, Octavius-Pithy Gems
Sample quote: Christ took your cup of grief, your cup of the curse, pressed it to his lips, drank it to its dregs—then filled it with His sweet, pardoning, sympathizing love, and gave it back for you to drink, and … Continue reading