Bounds, E.M. – Power through Prayer

Power Through Prayer

by Edward McKendree Bounds
1835-1913 Baker Book House

“Recreation to a minister must be as whetting is with the mower — that is, to be used only so far as is necessary for his work. May a physician in plague-time take any more relaxation or recreation than is necessary for his life, when so many are expecting his help in a case of life and death? Will you stand by and see sinners gasping under the pangs of death, and say: ‘God doth not require me to make myself a drudge to save them’? Is this the voice of ministerial or Christian compassion or rather of sensual laziness and diabolical cruelty.”

— Richard Baxter

Power Through Prayer

by Edward McKendree Bounds
Baker Book House

“Misemployment of time is injurious to the mind. In illness I have looked back with self-reproach on days spent in my study; I was wading through history and poetry and monthly journals, but I was in my study! Another man’s trifling is notorious to all observers, but what am I doing? Nothing, perhaps, that has reference to the spiritual good of my congregation. Be much in retirement and prayer. Study the honor and glory of your Master.”

— Richard Cecil

This is an eighteen chapter work on prayer by E.M. Bounds. Some of his chapters are Men of Prayer Needed, Tendencies to be avoided, Prayer the Great Essential, A praying ministry Successful, Examples of Praying Men, etcetera.


This is an eighteen chapter work on prayer by E.M. Bounds. Some of his chapters are Men of Prayer Needed, Tendencies to be avoided, Prayer the Great Essential, A praying ministry Successful, Examples of Praying Men, etcetera.

 Table of Contents of Power of Prayer

1. Men of Prayer Needed
2. Our Sufficiency is of God
3. The Letter Killeth
4. Tendencies to be Avoided
5. Prayer, the Great Essential
6. A Praying Ministry Successful
7. Much Time should be Given to Prayer

8. Examples of Praying Men
9. Begin the Day with Prayer
10. Prayer and Devotion United
11. An Example of Devotion
12. Heart Preparation Necessary
13. Grace from the Hearth Rather than the Head
14. Unction A Necessity
15. Unction, The Mark of True Gospel Preaching
16. Much Prayer the Price of Unction
17. Prayer Marks Spiritual Leadership
18. Preachers need the Prayers of the People

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Bounds, E M - Power Through Pr - Edward M Bounds
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Bounds, E M - Power Through Pr - Edward M Bounds
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