Zanchius Observations on the Divine Attributes
Observations on the Divine Attributes Necessary to be Premised, In Order to Our Better Understanding the Doctrine of Predestination,
Zanchius Observations on the Divine Attributes
Observations on the Divine Attributes Necessary to be Premised, In Order to Our Better Understanding the Doctrine of Predestination,
Zanchius Doctrine of Absolute Predestination
Jerome Zanchius was born in 1510 in Italy. He was a Biblical scholar, educator, and part of the Protestant Reformation. A prolific writer, some of his works include Confession of the Christian Religion and Observation of the Divine Attributes. Because of his theological convictions and teachings, he was often forced into exile. Zanchius died in
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Fawcett Christ Precious to Those Who Believe.epub
The preciousness of Jesus Christ, to those who
believe — practically considered and improved.
by John Fawcett
“It is my earnest wish that this little book may
be of service to enkindle and promote devout
affection to Christ, in those who may peruse it.”
“Yes, He is very precious to you who believe!”
1 Peter 2:7
Chapter I. Introductory Remarks
Chapter II. The CHARACTER of the people, to whom Christ is precious
Chapter III. The EVIDENCE believers give, that Christ is precious to them
Section 1. They trust their everlasting concerns in his hands
Section 2. They delight to think of him, to hear of him, and to speak of him
Section 3. They are grateful for the benefits they receive from him
Section 4. They prefer him to every other object, and give him the chief place in their affections
Section 5. They sincerely desire his presence, and long to enjoy intimate communion with him
Section 6. They are concerned that others may know and love him
Section 7. They are grieved when he is dishonored
Section 8. They are ready to deny themselves for him
Section 9. They are distressed by their lack of conformity to his blessed image and holy will
Section 10. They adhere to him in all conditions
Section 11. They are concerned to make his glory the chief end of their actions
Section 12. They long to be with him
Chapter IV. In what WAYS Jesus Christ is precious to those who believe
Section 1. His History is precious to them
Section 2. His Person is precious to them
Section 3. His Names are precious to them
Section 4. His Offices and Characters are precious to them
Section 5. His Blood and Righteousness are precious to them
Section 6. His Love is precious to them
Section 7. His Throne is precious to them
Section 8. His Doctrine is precious to them
Section 9. His Promises are precious to them
Section 10. His Commands are precious to them
Section 11. His Ways are precious to them
Section 12. His People are precious to them
Section 13. His Interests are precious to them
Section 14. His Day and his House are precious to them
Section 15. His Benefits are precious to them
Section 16. His Chastisements are precious to them
Section 17. His Example is precious to them
Chapter 5. Practical improvement of the subject
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