Orr Charles Gospel Day is a 21 chapter work on our salvation and different lights about salvation and our life as Christians thereafter.
By Charles Orr
Orr Charles Gospel Day is a 21 chapter work on our salvation and different lights about salvation and our life as Christians thereafter.
By Charles Orr
Austin-Sparks Fullness of Christ is by an ex-Baptist (deeper Life movement) about how to get and enjoy that deeper experience of the Savior.
Edersheim Temple Its Ministry and Services is a study by a Jewish author on details of the Old Testament Temple and its events and people.
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Pink Inspiración de las Escrituras es 46 páginas sobre la inspiración de la Biblia por autor reformado, Arthur Pink.
Calvin Thirty-Six Sermons of John Calvin is a selection of thirty six sermons by the famous founder of Calvinism, John Calvin. Sermons list in post.
Keach Types and Metaphors of Scripture is a work on interpreting the types and metaphors of Holy Scripture.
Edward Life and Diary of David Brainerd The is a kindle work on the Life of David Brainerd missionary to the American Indians.
The Life of David Brainerd, also called The Life and Diary of David Brainerd, is a biography of David Brainerd by evangelical theologian Jonathan Edwards, first published in 1749 under the title “An Account of the Life of the Late Rev. David Brainerd”.[1] David Brainerd was an early 18th Century American missionary to the Native Americans who had a particularly fruitful ministry among the Delaware Indians of New Jersey.