Boston, Thomas The Crook in the Lot

The Crook in the Lot Or The Sovereignty and Wisdom of God Displayed in the Afflictions of Men



The Crook in the Lot

The Sovereignty and Wisdom of God Displayed in the Afflictions of Men

by Thomas Boston

Table of Contents

Introductory Remarks

PROPOSITION I. Whatsoever Crook there is in one’s Lot, it is of God’s making.

I. As to the Crook itself.

II. The Crook is of God’s making. How it is of his making. Why he makes it.

PROPOSITION II: What God sees meet to mar, we shall not be able to mend in our Lot. What Crook God makes in our Lot, we shall not be able to even.

I. God’s marring and making a Crook in one’s Lot, as he sees meet.

II. Men’s attempting to mend or even the Crook in their Lot.

III. In what sense it is to be understood, that we shall not be able to mend, or even the Crook in our Lot.

IV. Some reasons of the point. Directions for rightly managing the application for removing the Crook in our Lot.

PROPOSITION III: Considering the Crook in the Lot, as the work of God, is a proper means to bring one to behave rightly un der it.

I. What it is to consider the Crook as the work of God.

II. How it is to be understood to be a proper means to bring one to behave rightly under the Crook.

III. That it is a proper means to bring one to behave rightly under it.

A comparison between the Lowly and Proud.

DocT. — There is a generation of lowly, afflicted ones, having their spirit lowered and brought down to their lot ; whose case, in that respect, is better than that of the proud getting their will, and carrying all to their mind.

I. The generation of the lowly afflicted ones.

II. The generation of the proud getting their will and carrying all to their mind.

III. It is better to be in a low afflicted condition, with the spirit humble and brought down to the lot, than to be of a proud and high spirit, getting the lot brought up to it, and matters go according to one’s mind. Humility the great means to bring all to their respective duties.

Doctrine. I. The bent of one’s heart, in humbling circumstances, should be towards a suitable humbling of the spirit, as under God’s mighty hand placing us in them.

II. What are those humbling circumstances the mighty hand of God brings men into.

III. What it is in humbling circumstances, to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.

Directions for reaching humiliation.

Doctrine. II. In due time, those that humble themselves under the mighty hand of God will certainly be lifted up.

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Boston, Thomas The Art of Man-Fishing


I. How does Jesus Christ make men into fishers of men?

II. How are the unregenerate like fish in water?

III. How are ministers like fishers by reason of their office?

IV. To become a fisher of men is have the Spirit and to follow Christ.

V. what ways do we follow Christ?

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Boston, Thomas Human Nature in its Four-Fold State

Table of Contents


1. The Sinfulness of Man’s Natural State
2. Of the Corruption of the Will
3. The Misery of Man’s Natural State
4. The Inability of Man’s Natural State

1. Regeneration
2. Mystical Union

1. Death
2. Difference Between the Righteous and the Wicked in their Death
3. Resurrection
4. Judgment
5. The Kingdom of Heaven

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Bunyan, J.-Pilgrim’s Progress in Words of One Syllable

Pilgrim’s Progress in Words of One Syllable

Pilgrim’s Progress. This is a modified version of Bunyan’s classic. Continue reading

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Hodge, A. A. The Westminster Confession: A Commentary

Table of Contents

A Short History of the Creeds and Confessions

Some Account of the Origin of the Westminster Confession and Catechisms

Chapter 1: Of the Holy Scripture

Chapter 2: Of God and the Holy Trinity

Chapter 3: Of God’s Eternal Decree

Chapter 4: Of Creation

Chapter 5: of Providence

Chapter 6: Of The Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof

Chapter 7: Of God’s Covenant With Man

Chapter 8: Of Christ the Mediator

Chapter 9: Of Free Will

Chapter 10: Of Effectual Calling

Chapter 11: Of Justification

Chapter 12: Of Adoption

Chapter 13: Of Sanctification

Chapter 14: Of Saving Faith

Chapter 15: Of Repentance Unto Life

Chapter 16: Of Good Works

Chapter 17: Of Perseverance of the Saints

Chapter 18: Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation

Chapter 19: Of the Law of God

Chapter 20: Of Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience

Chapter 21: Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day

Chapter 22: Of Lawful Oaths and Vows

Chapter 23: Of the Civil Magistrate

Chapter 24: Of Marriage and Divorce

Chapter 25: Of the Church

Chapter 26: Of the Communion of the Saints

Chapter 27: of the Sacraments

Chapter 28: Of Baptism

Chapter 29: Of the Lord’s Supper

Chapter 30: Of Church Censures

Chapter 31: Of Synods and Councils

Chapter 32: Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead

Chapter 33: Of the Last Judgment

Appendix 1: The Meaning of ‘System of Doctrine’: Old School vs. New School

Appendix 2: The Auburn Declaration and The Declaratory Act

Appendix 3: What is Presbyterianism? by Charles Hodge

Appendix 4: What is Meant by Adopting the Westminster Confession?

Appendix 5: On the Passages of the Confession Concerning the Magistrate’s Power as to Religion and the Church

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Hodge, A. A. The Atonement

The Atonement began as a series of articles on the atonement which appeared in the Presbyterian Banner intended to correct the broad misrepresentation of the doctrine of the atonement. This compilation of Hodge’s articles served as a useful resource for Reformed churches—then and now—and creates a deepened understanding of the atonement from the perspective of Calvinism.

Hodge begins with a broad introduction to the doctrine of the atonement in non-technical language, outlining its development and controversies. He explains the various theories of the atonement, as well as the theological problems basic to each. In addition to a detailed outline of the doctrine of the atonement, Hodge also asks fundamental questions about its meaning, comparing contemporary accounts of the atonement to historic Reformed traditions. Description from

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Flavel, John The Fountain of Life

Table of Contents


CHAP. I: Wherein the text and context are opened, the doctrines propounded, and the general method stated

CHAP. II: Wherein the kinds and nature of fear are opened, and particularly the distracting, slavish fears of creatures

CHAP. III: Shewing the various uses of Fear, both natural, sinful, and religious, in the government of the world by Providence

CHAP. IV: Wherein the spring and causes of sinful fear are searched out, and the evils of such fears thence discovered

CHAP. V: Laying open the sinful and lamentable effects of slavish and inordinate fear, both in carnal and regenerate persons.

CHAP. VI: Prescribing the rules to cure our sinful fears, and prevent these sad and woful effects of them.

CHAP. VII: Answering the most material pleas for slavish fears, and dissolving the common objections against courage and constancy of mind in times of danger.

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