Spurgeon Sermons from Esther

Sermons from Esther from the Prince of Preachers , Charles Spurgeon

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Austin-Sparks-World Dominion in Union With the Son of Man Through the Cross

World Dominion in Union With the Son of Man Through the Cross
by T. Austin-Sparks

Messages given in Kilcreggan, 1932. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

The Lord Jesus has been constituted God’s representative Man in glory in whom God has vested sovereignty and universal dominion, and the whole new race is gathered up into Christ to share that dominion with Him: “What is man that thou takest account of him? Thou madest him to have dominion” (Ps. 8:5-7; Heb. 2:6-8). In order for God to secure His end in Christ certain things are necessary. And it is important to see that the object and design of the death of the Lord Jesus is seen after He has been crowned with glory and honour. He is crowned with glory and honour before He is crucified and that gives colour and meaning to His death.

Chapter 1 – The Son of Man

Chapter 2 – Meeting the Devil’s Accusations

Chapter 3 – Dominion – A Moral and Spiritual Thing

Chapter 4 – Christ’s House of Victory


Austin-Sparks World Dominion.epub (165 downloads )


world-dominion-Austin-Sparks.mobi (164 downloads )



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Austin-Sparks Zeal of the Lord

The Zeal of the Lord

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in “A Witness and A Testimony” magazines, 1936-37, Vol. 14-6 – 15-2.


Chapter 1 – The Way to Heavenly Fulness

Chapter 2 – The Exemplification of this Zeal in the Life of Elijah

Chapter 3 – The Last Journey of Elijah with Elisha


Austin-Sparks The Zeal of the Lord (13 downloads ) Austin-Sparks-The-Zeal-of-the-Lord.epub (14 downloads )
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Austin-Sparks Written Not With Ink

“Written Not With Ink”

by T. Austin-Sparks

These messages were given in 1957 by T. Austin-Sparks at a conference in Taiwan. Chinese believers subsequently prepared transcripts from recordings of the meetings. It would appear that the audio recordings are no longer available. The manuscript was sent to us by Mr Herald Hsu in 2011. The spoken form has been retained, however, due to English not being the transcriber’s first language, the messages have required some editing to convert them into correct English. The editor has also added a book title, chapter titles, headings and italics, as these were not in the original transcripts.

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Adeney Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Expositor Bible

Adeney Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Expositor Bible

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Adeney, W. – Men of the Bible; Some Lesser-Known Characters

Men of the Bible; Some Lesser-Known Characters

George Milligan, D.D.
J. G. Greenhough, M.a.
Alfred Rowland, D.D., Ll.B.
Principal Walter F. Adeney, D.D.
J. Morgan Gibbon.
H. Elvet Lewis.
Principal D. Rowlands, B.a.
W. J. Townsend, D.D. 1904

Adeney et al’s Men of the Bible is a Bible character work for lesser known men in Bible history. Many of these people are not regularly covered in normal Bible character works.

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Luther Martin – 95 Theses

Luther Martin – 95 Theses

Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther

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