Austin-Sparks, T.-Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ
by T. Austin-Sparks

From spoken messages given in 1967.
Chapter 1 – Reality Through the Cross
Chapter 2 – The All-inclusiveness of the Cross
Chapter 3 – The Cross and the Two Humanities
Chapter 4 – The Cross and the Ministry of the Unveiled Face
Chapter 5 – The Cross and the Battle for Sonship
Chapter 6 – The Cross and Emancipation from Circumscribed Horizons
Chapter 7 – The Cross and the Dynamic of Victory

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Wolston Another Comforter

Wolston Another Comforter

Thirteen Lectures on the Operations of the Holy Ghost.
by W. T. P. Wolston, M.D.,
Fourth Edition. 1945

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Wolston “Forty Days” of Scripture

Wolston “Forty Days” of Scripture

The “Forty Days” of Scripture:
by W.T.P. Wolston

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Crain Booklets

Crain Booklets

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Smith – Life of William Carey

Smith – Life of William Carey
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Bunyan Acceptable Sacrifice

Bunyan Acceptable Sacrifice

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Best Christ Emptied Himself

Best Christ Emptied Himself

The Lord Jesus Christ is one Person with two Sonships. He is both the Son of God and the Son of Man. The Son of God in the bosom of the Father was pleased to condescend to become the Son of Man. He willingly assumed human nature in order to reveal the Father, redeem the elect, and communicate the knowledge of God to His people. Christ, during the days of His humiliation, did not consider His future honor of equality with God before men something to be seized.

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