Winslow Octavius Lord My Portion

Winslow Octavius Lord My Portion


PREFACE to Winslow Octavius Lord My Portion

The Lord’s people but imperfectly realize their boundless wealth. They resemble an heir to whom a vast estate has been bequeathed, but who yet remains ignorant of the rich and extensive mines which underlie its surface, filling every acre with veins of the richest ore, until some incidental upturned sod brings to light the precious deposit. God has given us His Word–a field of wealth incalculable; His Son–in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; the covenant of grace–ordered in all things and sure; and Himself, our infinite, all-sufficient, all-satisfying, and inalienable–PORTION. Well may the apostle, summing up the inventory of our possessions, exclaim–as if no measurement or number could compass and compute their extent–“ALL THINGS are yours!”

To enable the pious reader to estimate in some experimental measure his vast opulence, is the design of this little work. The writer has endeavored to concentrate all the believer’s wealth–where, in truth, God has deposited it–in JESUS; deeply, solemnly convinced that, it is the lack of more simple views of Christ, and a more direct application to His mediatorial sufficiency–dealing with the Father more immediately through the Son, in whom it pleased Him that all fullness should dwell–which is the cause of so much soul-leanness, prostration of spiritual power, and languor of love in many of the saints.

The points of light in which God in Christ may be regarded as the believer’s PORTION were many and inviting. The writer trusts his pages will afford at least some faint reflection of “the unsearchable riches of Christ,” to which the weakest, the obscurest Christ-believing, Christ-loving soul may prefer a personal claim, and say, “All is mine, for I am Christ’s, and Christ is God’s!” Winslow Octavius Lord My Portion

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Winslow, Octavius-Lord My Portion
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