MacDuff John Words of Jesus

MacDuff John Words of Jesus


“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said,”

“Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28

Gracious “word” of a gracious Savior, on which the soul may confidingly repose, and be at peace forever! It is a present rest — the rest of grace as well as the rest of glory. Not only are there signals of peace hung out from the walls of Heaven — the lights of Home glimmering in the distance to cheer our footsteps; but we have the “shadow” of this “great Rock!” in a present “weary land.” Before the Throne above is there “the sea of glass,” without one rippling wave; but there is a have neven on earth for the tempest-tossed, “We who have believed DO enter into rest.”

MacDuff John Words of Jesus

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