MacDuff John Footsteps of Jesus

MacDuff John Footsteps of Jesus


The Footsteps of Jesus

Things to be sought — and things to be shunned.

By John MacDuff, 1856


Whatever things were written aforetime in the sacred volume — were written for our instruction and admonition. The precepts it inculcates, and the diversified incidents it records — were evidently intended for our learning on the one hand, and for our warning on the other. In the biographies of Scripture this particularly appears. When the things which are pure, and lovely, and of good report — are exemplified in the character of an individual, the practical application is, “Go — and do likewise.” While in reference to those of an opposite nature, such as the daring stubbornness of Pharaoh, the ostentatious zeal of Jehu, the worldly-mindedness of Demas, and many others, the exhortation is, “Go — and do otherwise.” Almost in every page, both of the Old Testament and the New, are we reminded of what we are to seek — and of what we are to shun; of what we are to flee from — and what we are to follow after.

MacDuff John Footsteps of Jesus

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