Austin-Sparks All Things in Christ

All Things in Christ

by T. Austin-Sparks


Chapter 1 – The Purpose of the Ages
Chapter 2 – The Manifestation of the Glory of God
Chapter 3 – A Man after God’s Heart
Chapter 4 – Putting on the New Man
Chapter 5 – His Excellent Greatness
Chapter 6 – The Heavenly Man – The Inclusiveness and Exclusiveness of Jesus Christ
Chapter 7 – The Heavenly Man as the Instrument of the Eternal Purpose
Chapter 8 – The Heavenly Man as the Source and Sphere of Corporate Unity
Chapter 9 – The Heavenly Man and Eternal Life
Chapter 10 – The Heavenly Man and the Word of God
Chapter 11 – The Heavenly Man and the Word of God (continued)
Chapter 12 – Taking the Ground of the Heavenly Man
Chapter 13 – The Corporate Expression of the Heavenly Man
Chapter 14 – The Heavenly Man – The Indwelling of God
Chapter 15 – The Man Whom He Hath Ordained.

All Things In Christ - T  Austin-Sparks
All Things In Christ - T Austin-Sparks
552.4 KiB
All Things In Christ
All Things In Christ
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