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pc09 Homosexuality is an abomination In this tract examines the Bible view that homosexuality is an abomination. We examine what the Bible really teaches about homosexuality and lesbianism.
Topics: What is a Sodomite? | Is homosexuality a sin and an abomination? Yes. | The Pornography | The Homosexual Character | God's solution.
Excerpt from the Tract: The concept came to have the idea of a person rejected from society because of their perverse and vile habits, and these habits were involved with their worship of sex. Keil and Delitzsch add the idea that they are a type of person who refuses to remember their sins before God, being arrogant, proud, and rebellious, and therefore bring God's wrath upon them.
Read this Tract: pc09 Homosexuality is an abomination.-
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Anthology on the Antichrist by Pastor David Cox
I have compiled about 60+ different resources from the Internet on different aspects of antichrists, and the end times Antichrist. One of the topics or chapters is my own thoughts about this. The resource is available on twmodules.com (look on this page for "Cox cox-anthology-on-the-antichrist-v2.gbk 09/06/2024"), and my observations can be read at theologicalsystems.com online web page and pdf download available here.
Category Archives: Eschatology
Newton Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John
Newton Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel Continue reading
Best Christ’s Kingdom Is Future Volume 2: Introduction of the King
This study introduces the King and His Kingdom. The coming of the King includes the incarnation of Jesus Christ, His mother, the King’s forerunners, Christ’s baptism, the testing in the wilderness, and the details of Joel’s and John’s baptisms and … Continue reading
Best-Christ’s Kingdom Is Future Volume 1: The King’s Genealogy
The hope of the kingdom has its foundation in the covenants of eternity and time. This study presents the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1 in the context of God’s covenants. The kingdom prophesied in the Old Testament is … Continue reading
Anderson Robert Human Destiny
Anderson Robert Human Destiny Continue reading
Anderson Robert Unfulfilled Prophecy
Anderson Robert Unfulfilled Prophecy Continue reading
Chafer Dispensationalism
Chafer Dispensationalism is 5 chapter work by Dispensationalist Chafer (founder of Dallas Theological Seminary). He introduces the topic, the Creatures of God viewed dispensationally, then the Scripture doctrine, the Dispensationalism in light of Divine Grace, and finally a conclusion. Continue reading
Chitwood, Arlen-Prophecy on Mount Olivet
Paralleling That Seen in Revelation 2-20 by Arlen L. Chitwood The Lamp Broadcast, Inc. 2629 Wyandotte Way Norman, Okla. 73071 www.lampbroadcast.org First Printing 1998 Second Printing 2011 (Revised 2019) Introduction v CONTENTS FOREWORD . . . . . . . . … Continue reading