Bellett, J.B.-Booklets and Articles

Bellett, J.B.-Booklets and Articles

These are random works by J.B. Bellett, Bellett, J.B.-Booklets and Articles.

Table of Contents

Thoughts on 2 Corinthians.
The Two Rich Men.
The Two Tribes and a Half.
Three Things.
Afflictions and Consolations.
Belshazzar’s Feast in its Application to the Great Exhibition.
A Letter to a Bereaved Brother.
The Birth of Jesus.
The Bride of the Lamb.
The Heavenly Calling Foreshown.
God’s Call out of the Earth.
A Meditation on Canticles.
The Parable of the Cedar and the Two Eagles.
Christ Our Prophet.
The Church at Thessalonica.
The Claims of God’s Sovereignty and Holiness.
Jesus Christ come in flesh.
The Nearness of the Glory.
The Confederacies of Men and the Judgments of God.
Confusion and Order.

Different Conversions.
Extracts from Correspondence.
No Fellowship with Dishonour to Christ.
Jehovah, Jesus, — Son of David and Son of God.
The Translation of Elijah.
Brief Notes on the Epistle to the Ephesians.
On Christian Experience.
An Extract.
Extract from a Letter.
A Fair Show in the Flesh.
Every Family in Heaven and on Earth.
The Father.
Fragment of Letter.
“By faith of the Son of God.”
A Brief Word on the Epistle to the Galatians.

The Garden of Eden.
The Good Confession before Pontius Pilate.
The Glory in the Cloud.
The Glory of God.
God Entering His Temples.
God Manifest in the Flesh.
Grace and Glory.
The Heir of All Things.
Herod and John.
The Person and Deity of the Holy Ghost.
Divine Intimacy.
Isaiah 52:13-53.
Isaiah 66.
An Introduction to Isaiah.
Israel and Jerusalem in the Times of Refreshing.

Jacob in Egypt.
The Lord Jesus in John 11, 12.
The Lord Jesus in John 1:43 — John 2.
John, the Penman of the Apocalypse.
Thoughts on John.
King Saul.
The Sons of Korah.
Latter Times and Last Days.
A Letter.
A Letter.
Extracts from letters.
A Letter — Jeremiah.

The Link between Heaven and Earth.
The Lord’s Supper.
The Lord’s Supper:
Thoughts on the Lord’s Supper.
The Manner of the Love of Jesus.
Mary and Martha.
Matthew 21, 22, 23.
Matthew 24, 25.
Thoughts on Matthew 24, 25.
A Meditation.
Millennial Glory.

Moses’s Loss of Canaan.
Moses’s Heavenly Glory.
The Mount of God.
A Letter on Neutrality as to Christ,
New Creation.
The New Creation.
Nothing But Christ.
Patriarchal Faith.

The Pilgrim Fathers.
“Christ pleased Not Himself.”
The Potter’s Broken Vessel.
The Redemption of the Purchased Possession.
Interesting Reminiscences
Christ a Reprover.
Restoration and Communion.
Musings on the Apocalypse.
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth.
Thoughts on Romans 6 – 8.

The Schools of the Prophets.
Separation and Worship.
The Queen of Sheba
The Queen of Sheba and the Eunuch.
Salvation and Conflict.
Strangership and Citizenship.
The All-Sufficiency of Grace.
The Temple of God and Its Worship.
“That Fox.”
The Threshing Floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

The Trial of Jealousy.
Waiting for the Son from Heaven.
Walk in the Spirit.
The Watcher and the Holy One.

Bellett, J B -Booklets And Articles
Bellett, J B -Booklets And Articles
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Bellett, J B -Booklets And Articles
Bellett, J B -Booklets And Articles
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