Torrey Profitable Bible Study is a mobi and epub work on how to study the Bible profitably, using your time to the maxium.
Torrey Profitable Bible Study
There are many profitable methods of Bible Study. There is something, however, in Bible study more important than the best methods, that is, the fundamental conditions of profitable study. He who meets these conditions will get more out of the Bible, while pursuing the poorest method, than will he who does not meet them, while pursuing the best method.
Many a one who is eagerly asking, “What method shall I pursue in my Bible study?” needs something that goes far deeper than a new and better method. – R.A. Torrey
Torrey Profitable Bible Study
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- Torrey - How To Pray.pdf (570 downloads )
- Torrey - How to Deal with those who have little concern for their souls.pdf (520 downloads )
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