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Anthology on the Antichrist by Pastor David Cox
I have compiled about 60+ different resources from the Internet on different aspects of antichrists, and the end times Antichrist. One of the topics or chapters is my own thoughts about this. The resource is available on twmodules.com (look on this page for "Cox cox-anthology-on-the-antichrist-v2.gbk 09/06/2024"), and my observations can be read at theologicalsystems.com online web page and pdf download available here.Upcoming Posts
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Open Borders: The Medical Angle. In this article, I will look at things from the Medical angle. The government's non-response to immigrants with diseases.
Topics: What is truly galling are the extremes of our Government | Why the hypocrisy? | The Government has to Safe-Guard the Legal Population | Governments Guard their People | So why are they letting some many people into the USA unchecked? | Are Illegal Aliens also under the "Rule of Law" that Democrats Insist on Applying to Trump?
Read the Article: Dcox Open Borders: The Medical Angle-
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Buy me a Cup of Coffee
Most people buy a cup of coffee many times during a year. I spend my time and money writing good doctrinal content, and I am finding and formatting good old books for the Christian public to use in their studying the Bible. I have Bible college degrees where I have studied Greek and Hebrew. I have had donations over the years, but usually it is very little, like once every 6 months to once a year sometimes. One of my sites (I have 34 sites, about half are in English and the rest in Spanish) costs me about $10/month per site. Because the rent for having these sites on the Internet comes due every month, I have to pay it out of what me and my wife have to pay rent and food. Please consider a donation of any amount. Just a donation of the price of a cup of coffee can greatly help us with these costs and assure that new material is always coming.
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Even a small donation will help me greatly! Thank you! May God bless you for your prayers and your financial donations. (If you do not have a PayPal account, there is an option to donate using any bank or credit card even though you don't have a PayPal account.Free Books
Strong Systematic Theology is a detailed and extensive Systematic Theology. It might be too complicated for the average Christian. Has a lot of reference notes to other works on various points of Bible doctrine.
This work is only in theWord format at the moment.
Download: Strong Systematic Theology (for theWord).
Good Books and Tracts
bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies? is a tract about the Christian's relationship with truth and lies. We should seek to tell and live the Truth, and not falsehoods.
Topics: Under which Flag do you March? | Christians practice the Truth | The "truth" is Moral Principle | The "truth" is Moral Principle | To be the son of ... is to imitate such a person | A hypocrite is to say that you are something, but you live differently | Embracing Life is the only way.
Read the Tract: bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies?.
Ryle Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
Ryle Expository Thoughts on the Gospels The complete set of J.C. Ryle’s classic expositions on the four gospels in one eBook
Observing this need in his own parish, J.C. Ryle prepared his Expository Thoughts on the Gospels which have enriched the earth for more than a century with undiminished popularity and usefulness.
Ryle’s ‘plain and pointed’ words are a great stimulus to the reading of the Bible itself. While his chief aim is to help the reader to know Christ he also has another object in view. He writes so that his commentaries on the Gospels can be read aloud to a group. Unlike many authors he is equally good, read or heard. There are many other fuller commentaries on the Gospels, but no others make such compelling listening–whether it be in the family, in neighborhood groups, or over the air–as those of J.C. Ryle.-Description from Monergism.com
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