Packer Puritan Papers Volume 1 1956-1959

Packer Puritan Papers Volume 1 1956-1959 is a series of papers written in the 1956 to 1959 time span about various religious topics from a Reformed point of view.

Table of Contents of Packer Puritan Papers Volume 1 1956-1959

W. Robert Godfrey

Part 1: The Wisdom of Our Fathers (1956)

1. The Puritans and the Doctrine of Election
Iain Murray

2. The Witness of the Spirit: The Puritan Teaching
J. I. Packer

3. The Puritans’ Dealings with Troubled Souls
G. A. Hemming

4. The Law and the Covenants—A Study in John Ball
E. F. Kevan

5. Mrs. Hutchinson and Her Teaching
E. Braund

6. Richard Greenham and the Trials of a Christian
O. R. Johnston

Part 2: Servants of the Word (1957)

1. The Puritans and the Lord’s Day
J. I. Packer

2. The Savoy Conference, 1661
G. Thomas

3. Thomas Shepard’s “Parable of the Ten Virgins”
O. R. Johnston

4. John Bunyan and His Experience
Owen C. Watkins

5. The Puritan Principle of Worship
W. Young

6. Daily Life Among the Puritans
E. Braund

Part 3: A Goodly Heritage (1958)

J. I. Packer

1. The Life and Work of a Minister According to the Puritans
Paul Cook

2. The Puritans as Interpreters of Scripture
T. E. Watson

4. Discipline in the Puritan Congregation
D. Downham

5. Revival: An Historical and Theological Survey
D. M. Lloyd-Jones

Packer Puritan Papers Volume 1 1956-1959

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