Bunyan John Miscellaneous Pieces

Bunyan John Miscellaneous Pieces

By John Bunyan

John Bunyan. This work has various miscellaneous pieces or writings by John Bunyan that are here lumped together into a single work.

Contents of Miscellaneous Pieces

Of the Trinity and a Christian
Of the Law and a Christian
Bunyan’s Last Sermon
Bunyan’s Dying Sayings

from the book


How a young or shaken Christian should demean himself under the weighty thoughts of the Doctrine of the Trinity or Plurality of Persons in the eternal Godhead.

The reason why I say a young or shaken Christian, is, because some that are not young, but of an ancient standing, may not only be assaulted with violent temptations concerning gospel-principles, but a second time may become a child, a babe, a shallow man, in the things of God: especially, either when by backsliding he hath provoked God to leave him, or when some new, unexpected, and (as to present strength) over weighty objection doth fall upon the spirit, by means of which great shakings of mind do commonly attend such a soul in the most weighty matters of the concerns of faith, of which this is one that I have supposed in the above-mentioned question: Wherefore passing other things, I will come directly to that, and briefly propose some helps to a soul in such a case.

I.  The first preparative.

First, Then, be sure thou keep close to the Word of God for that is the revelation of the mind and will of God, both as to the truth of what is either in himself or ways, and also as to what he requireth and expecteth of thee, either concerning faith in, or obedience to, what he hath so revealed.  Now for thy better performing of this, I shall give thee in brief these following directions. (download the book to continue reading)

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