The Person and Work of The Holy Spirit
The Person and Work of The Holy Spirit
As Revealed in the Scriptures
And in Personal Experience
By R. A. Torrey
Fleming H. Revell Company
New York, Chicago, Toronto,
London and Edinburgh
Copyright 1910
This work is about the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, which is fully God and it examines how he works.
Chapter I. The Personality of the Holy Spirit.
Chapter II. The Deity of the Holy Spirit.
Chapter III. The Distinction of the Holy Spirit from the Father and from His Son, Jesus Christ.
Chapter IV. The Subordination of the Spirit to the Father and to the Son.
Chapter V. The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit as Revealed in His Names.
Chapter VI. The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Material Universe.
Chapter VII. The Holy Spirit Convicting the World of Sin, of Righteousness and of Judgment.
Chapter VIII. The Holy Spirit Bearing Witness to Jesus Christ.
Chapter IX. The Regenerating Work of the Holy Spirit.
Chapter X. The Indwelling Spirit Fully and Forever Satisfying.
Chapter XI. The Holy Spirit Setting the Believer Free From the Power of Indwelling Sin.
Chapter XII. The Holy Spirit Forming Christ Within Us.
Chapter XIII. The Holy Spirit Bringing Forth in the Believer Christlike Graces of Character.
Chapter XIV. The Holy Spirit Guiding the Believer Into a Life as a Son.
Chapter XV. The Holy Spirit Bearing Witness to our Sonship.
Chapter XVI. The Holy Spirit as a Teacher.
Chapter XVII. Praying, Returning Thanks, Worshipping in the Holy Spirit.
Chapter XVIII. The Holy Spirit Sending Men Forth to Definite Lines of Work.
Chapter XIX. The Holy Spirit and the Believer’s Body.
Chapter XX. The Baptism With the Holy Spirit.
Chapter XXI. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Prophets and Apostles.
Chapter XXII. The Work of the Holy Spirit In Jesus Christ.
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