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Getting People Really Saved. The one true objective that takes priority over all other objectives is the gospel. If our people are not saved, nothing else will matter as much. This article in churchplantingworkshop.com investigates the question of not explaining clearly the plan of salvation and those who are witnessed to not understanding the plan of salvation.
Topics: Overview | Jesus Taught us of the Existence of "Tares" | Evangelism is very important, but also INSIDE THE CHURCH | Essentials in Fruit Production. (1) Bible reading/studying. (2) A Biblical sound local church. (3) Solid Expositional Teaching. (4) Exposure to real prayer power. | Harmful Elements: (1) False teaching. (2) Sinful conduct by supposedly good Christians. (3) Sins and crises that distract and disable a person's Christian life.
Read the tract: Getting People Really Saved.Upcoming Posts
- Torrey, R.A. – Person and Work of The Holy Spirit Sun 1/26/25
- Torrey, R.A.- Holding Him to the Scriptures Sun 2/2/25
- Torrey Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian faith Sun 2/9/25
- Torrey Real Salvation Sun 2/16/25
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David Cox Internet Ministries
David Cox Internet Ministries This post is an update on how our Internet Ministries are moving along, or our reach to the world. It contains some statics for the last 30 days before September 14th, 2023. If you are interested in knowing about our outreach via our Internet websites, please visit this page.
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Everybody likes sweet bread. In Mexico, it is a tradition to eat this sweetbread with coffee or hot chocolate before going to bed. But alas, while you are also enjoying the delicious stuff from my websites, I am out of money. A gift of any amount will at least let us buy a piece of sweetbread.
Please donate something for the upkeep of this website. I am bearing the burden of the monthly upkeep for years now, and I only have a few donations PER YEAR out of all of my websites, and that only like $25 dollars each time.Free Books
A carpenter making his own tools is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own material. I like the idea of producing the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: A carpenter making his own tools.
Good Books and Tracts
pc05 Resisting Porn is a tract explaining why and how we resist seeing bad images, and the problems related to this. Topics: Seeing a Woman to covet her | We must be happy | This is why God sets the rules regarding sex very clear. | We must not covet your Neighbor's Wife | The Problem with Divorced People.
From the Tract: Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?
Matthew 5:27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
The problems of pornography fall into three main ones: (1) It is to sin against the Lord - One is coveting what is not his, and for God, coveting a woman is just as having sex outside of marriage (adultery or fornication). (2) It is to sin against your partner - One is disloyal, not faithful, to your partner. If one is not married, he is acting in impurity, youth passions ("Flee from youth passions" 2 Timothy 2:22) which is a sin. (3) It is to sin against oneself, against oneself.
View the Tract: pc05 Resisting Porn
Edwards Expositor Hebrews Commentary
Edwards Expositor Hebrews Commentary Continue reading →