Booth Abraham Reign of Grace

Booth Abraham Reign of Grace

INTRODUCTION of Booth Abraham Reign of Grace

THE gospel of Reigning Grace, being a doctrine truly divine, has ever been the object of the world’s contempt. It was of old a stumbling-block to the self-righteous Jew, and foolishness to the philosophic Greek. Paul, who was a resolute asserter of the honours of grace, and indefatigable in preaching Christ, found it so by repeated experience; and that not only among the illiterate and profane, but also among the learned and the devout. Nay, he had frequent occasion to observe, that the religious devotees of his age were the first in opposing the doctrine he preached, and the most hardened enemies against the truth of God. The polite, the learned, the religious, were all agreed to load both his character and his doctrine with the foulest reproaches. Nor was this treatment peculiar to Paul, but common to all his contemporaries, who espoused the same glorious cause, and laboured in the same beneficent work. The doctrine they preached was charged with licentiousness. Their enemies boldly affirmed that they said;Let us do evil that good may come. Thus were their character and their labours impeached: that, as hateful to God; these, as destructive to man.

Booth Abraham Reign of Grace

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