Ryle Call to Prayer

Ryle Call to Prayer is 10 Chapter work on prayer. Need, habit, duty, great encouragement, diligence, backsliding, contentment, advice to unsaved, and counsel to saints. Although Ryle Call to Prayer is a very short work on Prayer, it is an excellent work. In the book version by Audubon Press, John MacArthur has a foreword to it.

Ryle Call to Prayer

1. Prayer is Needful to a Man’s Salvation ………………………………… 3
2. The Habit of Prayer: Mark of a True Christian…………………….. 4
3. Prayer: The Most Neglected Duty………………………………………. 6
4. Prayer Produces Great Encouragement……………………………….. 9
5. Diligence in Prayer: Secret of Holiness……………………………… 11
6. Prayer and Backsliding ……………………………………………………. 13
7. Prayer and Contentment …………………………………………………. 14
8. Advice to the Unsaved……………………………………………………… 16
9. Counsel to the Saints……………………………………………………….19
Questions for personal reflection and group discussion…………….. 26

Original Location in Chapel Library

Sample Chapter 1 A CALL TO PRAYER

I will that men pray everywhere.” —1 Timothy 2:1

Prayer is Needful to a Man’s Salvation

Do you pray?

I have a question to offer you. It is contained in three words: Do you pray?

The question is one that none but you can answer. Whether you attend public wor-ship or not, your minister knows. Whether you have family prayers in your house or not, your relations know. But whether you pray in private or not, is a matter between your-self and God.

I beseech you in all affection to attend to the subject I bring before you. Do not say that my question is too close. If your heart is right in the sight of God, there is nothing in it to make you afraid. Do not turn off my question by replying that you “say your prayers.” It is one thing to say your prayers and another to pray. Do not tell me that my question is unnecessary. Listen to me for a few minutes and I will show you good rea-sons for asking it.

Needful for salvation

I ask whether you pray because prayer is absolutely needful to a man’s salvation.

I say absolutely needful, and I say so advisedly. I am not speaking now of infants or idiots. I am not settling the state of the heathen. I know that where little is given, there little will be required. I speak especially of those who call themselves “Christians” in a land like our own. And of such I say, no man or woman can expect to be saved who does not pray.

I hold salvation by grace as strongly as anyone. I would gladly offer a free and full pardon to the greatest sinner that ever lived. I would not hesitate to stand by his dying bed and say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ even now, and you shall be saved.” But that a man can have salvation without asking for it, I cannot see in the Bible. That a man will receive pardon of his sins, who will not so much as lift up his heart inwardly and say, “Lord Jesus, give it to me,” this I cannot find. I can find that nobody will be saved by his prayers, but I cannot find that without prayer anybody will be saved.

It is not absolutely needful to salvation that a man should read the Bible. A man may have no learning, or be blind, and yet have Christ in his heart. It is not absolutely need-ful that a man should hear public preaching of the gospel. He may live where the gospel is not preached, or he may be bedridden, or deaf. But the same thing cannot be said about prayer. It is absolutely needful to salvation that a man should pray.

Personal responsibility

There is no royal road either to health or learning. Princes and kings, poor men and peasants, all alike must attend to the wants of their own bodies and their own minds. No man can eat, drink, or sleep by proxy. No man can get the alphabet learned for him by another. All these are things that a person must do for himself, or they will not be done at all.

Just as it is with the mind and body, so it is with the soul. There are certain things absolutely needful to the soul’s health and well-being. Each must attend to these things for himself. Each must repent1 for himself. Each must apply to Christ for himself. And for himself each must speak to God and pray. You must do it for yourself, for by nobody else can it be done.

To be prayerless is to be without God, without Christ, without grace, without hope, and without heaven. It is to be on the road to hell. Now can you wonder that I ask the question: Do you pray?

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