Pink Studies in the Scripture (1934)

Pink Studies in the Scripture (1934)

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Watson, Thomas-Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

By Thomas Watson

Exposition on the Lord’s Prayer by Thomas Watson

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Watson-Thomas-The-Lords-Prayer.docx (652 downloads )

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Milton John Poetical Works

Milton John Poetical Works

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Gill Body of Doctrinal Divinity

Gill Body of Doctrinal Divinity

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Pink Studies in the Scripture (1935)

Pink Studies in the Scripture (1935)

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Pink Studies in the Scripture (1933)

Pink Studies in the Scripture (1933)

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Best Justification Before God (Not by Faith)

Justification Before God (Not by Faith)

The average professing Christian says the word “justify” means to make one righteous before God. If that is true, does a person’s faith or his works make him righteous before God? This study shows what saving faith is not, what saving faith is, and that justification before God is by Christ’s righteousness imputed to Christians. Neither faith nor works make a person righteous before God. Although God, faith, and works all declare the elect to be righteous, the declarations are before different persons and for different reasons. (1) The elect are justified before God on the basis of imputed righteousness. (2) The person justified before God is justified by faith before his own consciousness. (3) The person justified before God and before his own consciousness is justified by works before others.from

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