Potts, J. Manning Prayers of the Early Church


Demand for books of prayers has caused this book to be compiled. The experience of The Upper Room in publishing Ralph S. Cushman’s A Pocket Book of Prayer with its sale of over a million copies and the reaction from the publication of other prayer books have prompted the editor to collect and arrange these prayers. There are prayers of our Lord, the apostles, the martyrs, and the saints covering the period of the Early Church from its beginning through the fifth century. There are some prayers from each of the first five centuries. The treasure house from which to choose is almost unlimited. It is a vast and fruitful field and anyone is amply rewarded who delves into it.

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Brengle When the Holy Ghost is Come

Brengle When the Holy Ghost is Come is from the Salvation Army tradition and Brengle was part of the Deeper Life Movement.

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Potts, J. Manning Prayers of the Middle Ages: Light from a Thousand Years

Prayers of the Middle Ages: Light from a Thousand Years by J. Manning Potts

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Sheldon-Redemption of Freetown


This little story was first read by me to my Young People’s society of Christian Endeavor in the Central Church, Topeka, Kan., during the spring of 1898.

There is nothing impossible in the story, which is largely founded on actual facts known to very many besides myself. What seems to be miraculous or impossible in the redemption of humanity seems so because too often the Christian disciple does not give himself for the solution of the human problem.

This is the one great truth I have wished to impress by the telling of this history, which is partly true, and might easily be wholly so; the truth that it is God with us, Emmanuel, who is redeeming the world, and it must be ourselves, the Christ in us, with the unredeemed humanity near us, that must redeem it. The moment the churches, the Endeavor societies, the Christian disciples everywhere, put themselves into any unredeemed spot in any town or city or place, the miracle of redemption will begin.

It is with the prayer that all who read this little story will give something of this redeeming love to a needy world that the book is sent out. There is the secret of the atonement in the three short words, “Who gave Himself.”

Charles M. Sheldon.

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Sheldon Charles In His Steps

Sheldon Charles In His Steps

Well known Christian Fiction

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Mead Almost Christian Discovered

Mead Almost Christian Discovered

Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”  Those words were spoken by Agrippa, after hearing Paul’s testimony of his conversion and after Paul’s witnessing to him the gospel (Acts xxvi.28).  Paul responded, “I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost and altogether such as I am, except these bonds” (Acts 26:31).

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Austin-Sparks Rule of Heaven

The Rule of the Heavens

by T. Austin-Sparks

From “A Witness and A Testimony” magazines, 1931, Vol. 9-4 – 10-1. (Published by Emmanuel Church under the title: “That Which is Born of the Spirit”).

“The Heavens do Rule.” Daniel 4:26.

Chapter 1 – The Heavens Do Rule
Chapter 2 – A Ministry from the Heavens
Chapter 3 – Universality of the Heavens
Chapter 4 – Sovereignty
Chapter 5 – Spirituality

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