This book is written because it seems to be needed. The author has been repeatedly requested by Ministers, Y. M. C. A. Secretaries, Christian Workers, and his own students to put into a permanent and convenient shape the substance of what he has said at Conventions, Summer Schools and in the class–room on personal work. The time has come to yield to these requests. Never before in the history of the Church were there so many who desire to win others to Christ. The good work done by the Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor is in no other direction so evident as in the many thousands of young people in this land who to–day are on fire with a desire to win souls. But while they desire to do this work, many do not know how. This little book aims to tell them. There are several well–known and valuable manuals of texts to be used with inquirers, but this book is intended not only to point out passages to be used but to show how to use them, illustrating this use by cases from 4actual experience. It is hoped that from a careful study of these pages any earnest Christian can learn how to do efficient work in bringing others to the Saviour.
* Note By David Cox (theWord Module Creator). In general, all the information in Torrey’s book is good material for witnessing. In this chapter he expounds on “the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” Although it is important to recognize the Spirit’s work in witnessing, his view of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is basically a Pentecostal viewpoint, and I have to totally disagree with him. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a one time act that happens to a person when they first have saving faith. There is no other sign of this happening except that the person now has the Holy Spirit in his mind, heart, and conscience convicting him ever more intensely of sin in his own life. He stops sinning. I do not understand the Bible’s position on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in any other manner. I would not recommend the point of view in this chapter AT ALL! Our water baptism is similar to what Christ’s water baptism was, that is a kind of anointing for service or ministry. This also only happens once per lifetime.
Table of Contents of Torrey How to bring men to Christ
1. The General Conditions of Success in Bringing Men to Christ
2. How to Begin
3. Dealing with the Indifferent or Careless
4. Dealing with those who are Anxious to be Saved but do not know how
5. Dealing with those who are Anxious to be Saved and Know how, But who have Difficulties
6. Dealing with those who Entertain False Hopes
7. Dealing with those who Lack Assurance, and Back–Sliders
8. Dealing with Professed Skeptics and Infidels
9. Dealing with the Complaining
10. Dealing with those who wish to put off Decision until some other Time
11. Dealing with the Willful and the Deluded
12. Some Hints and Suggestions
13. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Torrey-How-to-Bring-Men-to-Christ.pdf (750 downloads )
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