Brown Hugh Altogether Lovely

Brown Hugh Altogether Lovely

My heart is gushing forth a good matter — I write of things touching the King! Whatever the reader may think of my writing — he can find no fault with my Theme, for He is “the chief among ten thousand” — and His “name is above every name!”

I can write nothing new concerning Him, for all that can be revealed to human minds and hearts in this life has been written by the Holy Spirit, whose delight it has been to delineate through type and shadow, in prophecy and song, by narrative and doctrine, “the beauty of the Lord” — the surpassing excellencies of Him Whom the angels worship, Whom the saints adore, Whom the Father loves with a love that knows neither beginning nor ending — Him Who for our sakes “humbled Himself” — but has now sat down on the right hand of the Majesty in the Heavens.

I can only invite my readers to come with me into this garden of delights while we discourse together of His sweetness and His loveliness, His majesty and might, of the riches of His glory, and the glory of His grace! Oh, that the Holy Spirit may Himself be our Guide, opening our eyes to see, and our ears to hear! Oh, that our eyes may behold the face of our Beloved, that our ears may be attentive unto His voice, that our hearts may burn within us while He talks with us along the way!

So shall we see the King in His beauty, our souls will be refreshed and our hearts declare that “His mouth is sweetness itself. Yes, He is altogether lovely!”

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Brown Hugh Altogether Lovely

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