Miller, J.R.-Making the Most of Life

Making the Most of Life

by J. R. Miller, 1891

Making the Most of Life is a 25 chapter work on advice and wise counsel on how to live your life as a good Christian.

Part 1 of Making the Most of Life

1. Making the Most of Life
2. Laid on God’s Altar
3. Christ’s Interest in Our Common Life
4. The Possibilities of Prayer
5. Getting Christ’s Touch
6. The Blessing of a Burden
7. Heart-peace Before Ministry
8. Moral Curvatures
9. Transfigured Lives
10. the Interpretation of Sorrow
11. Other People
12. The Blessing of Faithfulness

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Part 2 of Making the Most of Life

13. Without Axe or Hammer
14. Doing Things for Christ
15. Helping and Over-helping
16. The Only One
17. Swiftness in Duty
18. The Shadows We Cast
19. The Meaning of Opportunities
20. The Sin of Ingratitude
21. Some Secrets of Happy Home Life
22. God’s Winter Plants
23. Unfinished Life-building
24. Iron Shoes for Rough Roads
25. The Shutting of Doors

More Articles on the Christian Life

Miller, J R -Making The Most Of Life
Miller, J R -Making The Most Of Life
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Miller, J R -Making The Most Of Life
Miller, J R -Making The Most Of Life
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