In Ironside’s present work Ironside Sailing with Paul (he is Brethren), he presents us with thoughts from Paul on life’s difficult journey.
Ironside Sailing with Paul
There are many lessons to be learned from a careful study of Luke’s account of Paul’s journey to Rome.
More Works by Harry Ironside (Brethren Writer)
- Wrongly Dividing The Word of Truth Ironside
- Ironside Sailing with Paul
- Ironside Except Ye Repent Kindle
More Articles on the Christian Life
- Dods, M. – How to become like Christ (Christ likeness)
- Chalmers, Thomas-Fury Not in God
- Carradine Beverly Sanctified Life
- Calvin John Calvin on Self-Denial
- Calvin John Calvin on Self-Denial
- Burroughs The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
- Buchanan James Comfort in Affliction
- Brooks, Thomas-Young Men Exhorted to Come to Christ
- Brooks, Thomas-Privy Key to Heaven
- Brooks, Thomas-Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod
Also, see Ironsides works in theWord format
- Ironside – Care for God’s Fruit Trees
- Ironside – Eternal Security of the Believer
- Ironside – Except ye Repent
- Ironside – Four Hundred Silent Years
- Ironside – Not Wrath but the Rapture
- Ironside – Sermons of Harry Ironside
- Ironside – What is the Gospel?