Torrey Principles of Biblical Interpretation is a mobi and epub format of Torrey work on understanding correctly the Scriptures.
CONTENTS of Torrey Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Part First.
PAGES, Introductory to Methods of Bible Study
CHAPTER II. Study of Individual Books – 14
CHAPTER III. Topical Study – – 57
CHAPTER IV. Biographical Study 79
CHAPTER V. Study of Types 82
CHAPTER VI. Study of the Books of the Bible in the Order Given in the Bible and in Their Chronological Order 85
CHAPTER VII. The Study of the Bible for Practical Usefulness in Dealing With Men . . . 88
Torrey Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Torrey Principles of Biblical Interpretation is a mobi and epub format of Torrey work on understanding correctly the Scriptures.
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