Meyer, F.B. – Elijah and the secret of his power

Elijah and the secret of his power

By F.B. Meyer

Elijah and the secret of his power is a character study on this Old Testament prophet by Baptist preacher F.B. Meyer. He investigates Elijah.

Table of Contents of Elijah and the secret of his power

1. The Source of Elijah’s Strength
2. Beside the Drying Brook
3. Ordered to Zarephath
4. “The Spirit and Power of Elias”
5. The Test of the Home-Life
6. Obadiah – A Contrast
7. The Plan of Campaign

8. The Conflict on the Heights of Carmel
9. Rain at Last!
10. How THE Mighty Fell
11. Loving-kindness Better than Life
12. The “Still Small Voice”
13. “Go, Return!”

14. Naboth’s Vineyard
15. The Old Courage Again
16. Evensong
17. The Translation
18. A Double Portion of Elijah’s Spirit
19. The Transfiguration
20. “Filled with the Holy Ghost”


SOME of my readers may be disposed to charge me with rashness in attempting to delineate the life of Elijah—this Colossus amongst ordinary men, who dwarfs us, whilst his own noble proportions defy the belittling perspective of long distance. But my excuse will be found in the thought, reiterated on many a succeeding page, that the life of this mighty man was wrought out through the indwelling of that Holy Spirit which is equally within reach of those who will believe and obey.

There is nothing the Church of to-day needs so much as Spiritual Power; and there is nothing which we can have so easily, if only we are prepared to pay the price.

It is of no use to exclaim, in despairing tones, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” He is here, waiting to do as much now as for the illustrious saints of olden times. Be it ours to emulate their faith; and to stand as they did in the presence chamber of God, prepared to fulfill His least behest: so shall we be followers of them who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises.

F. B. Meyer.

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