Holding Him to the Scriptures
By R.A. Torrey
God’s promises and claiming those promises. This is how God wants us to relate to him, know his Word, take him at his Word, confide that his word works.
By R.A. Torrey
God’s promises and claiming those promises. This is how God wants us to relate to him, know his Word, take him at his Word, confide that his word works.
The Person and Work of The Holy Spirit
As Revealed in the Scriptures
And in Personal Experience
By R. A. Torrey
Fleming H. Revell Company
New York, Chicago, Toronto,
London and Edinburgh
Copyright 1910
This work is about the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, which is fully God and it examines how he works. Continue reading
Torrey R.A. Looking to Jesus is a work which exhorts us to continue on for our Savior.
Torrey Why God Used Moody is a type of biography on the Life and Ministry of D.L. Moody, of Moody Bible College.
Torrey Profitable Bible Study is a mobi and epub work on how to study the Bible profitably, using your time to the maxium.
There are many profitable methods of Bible Study. There is something, however, in Bible study more important than the best methods, that is, the fundamental conditions of profitable study. He who meets these conditions will get more out of the Bible, while pursuing the poorest method, than will he who does not meet them, while pursuing the best method.
Torrey Principles of Biblical Interpretation is a mobi and epub format of Torrey work on understanding correctly the Scriptures.